NNP Library // Book

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Mueller, Barbara R.
Mullen, John D.
Mulvaney, Thomas A.
Mumey, Nolie
Munn, Charles Allen
Munoz, Mariano Donato
Munoz, Miguel L.
Munson III, John Alexander Tarrant
Murphy, Claud
Murphy, Judith
Murray, Anthony Harry
Murray, Douglas Dean
Murray, William Bain
Musante, Neil
Muscalus, John Anthony
Museum Bulletin
Museum Notes [ANS], American Numismatic Society
Musil, Steven
Musser, Dwight L.
Myer, Isaac
Myers, Gustavus Adolphus
Myers, Robert J.
Mysia [ANS Garrett papers, box 12, card indexes], T. Harrison and John Work Garrett


N. Ponce de Leon [Fixed Price List], N. Ponce de Leon
N.A.S.C. Quarterly
N.O.W. News, Numismatists of Wisconsin
Nachbar, Richard N.
Nachf, Otto H.
Naftzger, Roy E.(dgar)