Deats, Hiram Edmunds
Decatur, Stephen
Deecken, John Richared
Deeds, Stephen Duane
Deep, Samuel David
Dehaas, John N.
Deisher, Beth
Deisher, Beth H.
Del Mar, Alexander
Del Mar, Alexander
Delaney, Jim
Deleu, Walter Charles
Delger, Martin John
Dellquest, Augustus Wilfrid
Dence, Edward Louis
Denly, Tom
Dennis, Milton Wayne
Denny, Henry G(ardiner)
Department of the Treasury
Department of the Treasury, United States Secret Service
Derby, Elias Hasket
Descriptive Register of Genuine Bank Notes [Gwynne & Day], Gwynne & Day, Bankers
Dethridge, Kaye
Detroit Coin Club
Detroit Free Press
Detwiler, Jack R.
Devine, John
Devine, Peggy
Dewey, George