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U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 18, Expense Register, 1863 - 1887)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 2, Assayers' Registers of Gold Bullion, 1863-1916)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 20, Registers of Production Metals in Colorado, 1893 - 1898)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 24, Records of Depositors' Signatures, 1863 - 1874)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 25, Lists of Depositors, 1884 - 1886)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 3, Registers of Deposits of Gold and Silver Bullion, 1863 - 1912)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 4, Registers of Deposits of Gold Bullion, 1863-1939)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 5, Weigh Clerks' Books of Silver Bullion Deposited, 1906 - 1917)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 6, Registers of Silver Bullion Deposited for Bars, 1909 - 1912)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 7, Registers of Deposits of Gold Bullion, 1905-1908)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 8, Registers of Warrants Issued in Payment for Deposits, 1863 - 1907)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Entry 9, Records of Gold Bars Purchased, 1878 - 1883)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 175, Assayers' Registers of Gold Bullion, 1922 - 1928)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 23, Annual Reports, 1873-1975)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 23, Bullion Deposits, 1938-1995)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 32, Organizational Charts, 1920-1940)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 33, Press Copies of Letters from the Superintendent) to the Treasury Dept. 1915-1918
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 34, Press Copies of Letters from the Superintendent) to the Treasury Dept. 1915-1918
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 35, Statements of Public Funds 1898-1905)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 36, Miscellaneous Telegrams)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 37, Telegrams from the Director)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 38, Telegrams from the Treasurer)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 41, Copies of Letters Sent 1899 - 1905)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 42, Letters Received 1897-1903)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 46, Miscellaneous Correspondence)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 47, Letters from the Director)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 48, Treasury Dept. Circulars)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 50, Mint Additions)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 51, Mint Additions)
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104 [Denver], Sequence 77, Miscellaneous Correspondence)