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Spanish Colonial Gold Coins in the Florida Colelction (Craig, Alan K.)
Spanish Colonial Silver Coins in the Florida Collection (Craig, Alan K.)
Specimens and Cost of Engraved Work (Cassilear, George W.)
Speeches, letters, articles, &c. on the Gold Coinage Controversy of 1869
Spink's Catalogue of British Colonial and Commonwealth Coins (de Clermont, Andre P.)
Spink's Catalogue of British Commemorative Medals (Fearon, Daniel)
Stack's Numismatic Guide (Stack's)
Standard 1976 U.S. Paper Money Catalogue (Scott Publishing Co.)
Standard 1978 U.S. Paper Money Catalogue
Standard Catalog of Depression Scrip of the United States (Mitchell, Ralph A.)
Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes, 2nd Edition (Oakes, Dean)
Standard Catalog of United States Paper Money
Standard Catalog of United States Tokens 1700-1900 (Rulau, Russell)
Standard Catalog of United States Tokens 1700-1900, Second Edition (Rulau, Russell)
Standard Money Manual (Skinner, William E.)
State Bank Notes of Michigan (Bowen, Harold L.)
State of Georgia Treasury Notes, Treasury Certificates, and Bonds (Martin, William Mack)
Statistical Annals (Seybert, Adam)
Statistics of the coinage for Canada and Newfoundland [microform] (McLachlan, R. W.)
Steigerwalt's illustrated history of United States and colonial coins. (Steigerwalt, Charles (Trissler))
Stenographic Record in the Circuit Court of Baltimore City in the matter of Gaither vs. Jones, et al
Stenographic Record [in the matter of] Gaither vs. Jones, et al
Steve Crain Liberty Seated Half Dime Collection Inventory (Crain, Stephen A.)
Studies in Numismatic Method (Brooke, C(hristopher) N(ugent) L(awrence))
Studies on Money in Early America (Newman, Eric P.)
Studio sul Lowenthaler ed il Mezzo Lowenthaler Delle Province Unite D'olanda e Sulle Loro Imitazioni e Contraffazioni Italiane e Straniere (Gamberini di Scarfea, Cesare)
Substitutes for Cash in the Panic of 1907
Suggestions on the banks and currency of the several United States, in reference principally to the suspension of specie payments. (Gallatin, Albert Abraham Alfonse)
Sundry prices taken from ye account book of Thomas Hazard, son of Robt ...