Excerpt from "Senate Docs. 101-155, Except 137", subtitled "54th Congress, 1st Session". Titled "Document 130: In the Senate of the United States: The Vice-President presented the following letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in response to the Senate resolution of February 10, 1896, directing the Secretary of the Treasury to inform the Senate of the amount of coin and currency and forms of notes and money of the United States in existence on January 1, 1896, etc.", and dated February 20, 1896.
Excerpt from "Senate Docs. 101-155, Except 137", subtitled "54th Congress, 1st Session". Titled "In the Senate of the United States: Mr. Teller presented the following resolution of the camden county, N.J., Farmers' Institute favoring the free and unlimited coinage of silver", and dated February 17, 1896.