U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, [Denver] Entry 21, Letters Sent to the Director of the Mint)
U.S. Mint correspondence (Denver) from September 27, 1916 To September 29, 1917. From the U.S. National Archives (Denver), record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 21, including September 27, 1916 to September 29, 1917. Courtesy of John Graffeo.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, [Denver] Entry 21, Letters Sent to the Director of the Mint)
U.S. Mint (at Denver) correspondence from the National Archives, covering November 14, 1912 to October 6, 1913. From the National Archives in Denver, record group 104, entry 21. Courtesy of John Graffeo.