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Counterfeits and counterfeiting; Coin manuals
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1 - 9 de 9
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Resultados de la búsqueda
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Paddock's Gold and Silver Coin Chart Manual
1 of 9
Coin Chart Manual supplement to F. Granger Adams' Chicago Bank Note List
2 of 9
Imlay & Bicknell's Coins of the World
3 of 9
Coin Supplement to Gwynne and Day's Bank Note Register and Detector of Counterfeits
4 of 9
Lawrence & Co.'s Book of Coins
5 of 9
Taylor's United States Money Reporter and Gold and Silver Coin Examiner
6 of 9
Counterfeit Mexican Dollars in St. Louis
7 of 9
Taylor's Gold and Silver Coin Examiner, No. II
8 of 9
Dye's Gold and Silver Coin Chart Manual
9 of 9