MANA News from October 1954 and Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine article titled “Half Cent Miscellany: from December 1953 both written by Walter Breen listing 1808/7 as unique and in Cohen collection.
Abrahan Hepner obituary 1968.
Exhibition notes from GENA 11/1969.
Brochures by Paul Anderson.
List of half cents in Cohen collection as of 1967 and value of his coins in 1962.
Includes 16-page detailed critique of Walter Breen's half cent book by Roger S. Cohen, a letter to Walter Breen, and a copy of the 1807 entry in Breen's book that Cohen has "edited."
Documentation related to the "Half Penny Quiz" in Penny-Wise, 7/1972. This includes his correspondence with Dr. Lapp, and the answer sheets from the 13 members who responded.