Eric P. Newman Correspondence (Nuxall, Elizabeth M.), Eric P. Newman
Correspondence between Eric P. Newman and Elizabeth M. Nuxoll of the Papers of Robert Morris project, 1989-1994, covering Morris paper money issues and the Bank of North America
Eric P. Newman Research Files (Connecticut Coppers)
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Rare Conn[ecticut] Spilman correspondence with a variety of people, including Katharina Eldada, James C. Spilman.
Eric P. Newman Research Files (Connecticut Coppers)
Manuscript (possibly unpublished) by Newman on the subject of Connecticut coppers, c. 1960. Newman examines the Connecticut Assembly's effort in January 1789 to examine the operation of the Connecticut Mint.