Eric P. Newman Research Files (A Mysterious Paper Interlock)
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Research file for Eric Newman’s article “A Mysterious Paper Money Interlock Between Canada and United States,” Canadian Paper Money Journal, July 1984. Correspondence, clips, and drafts related to Newman’s 1984 article.
H. O. Granberg archive related to the ANA congressional charter in 1912, as well as financial statements related to publication of the Numismatist during the same period. Includes correspondence with Edgar H. Adams, W. W. C. Wilson, Congressman James H. Davidson, Congressman William A. Ashbrook, Senator Clarence D. Clark, Senator Francis E. Warren, F. G. Duffield, and Judson Brenner. Courtesy of BillBurd.