Extracts from multiple editions of the Encyclopedia Brittanica (1797, 1824), depicting coining technology, along with related correspondence, memoranda, and library catalog records. Correspondents include Craig Sholley and Clyde Hubbard.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 2, Boulton Correspondence)
Correspondence between the U.S. Mint and Boulton, 1800-1802. Scans courtesy of R. W. Julian, operating under a grant from Central States Numismatic Society, with post-processing by Roger W. Burdette.
U.S. Mint Director Elias Boudinot's report for 1799, delivered January 8, 1800. Extracted from the American State Papers, class 3 (Finance), vol. 1, no. 144.
Paul Hybert summary: "A report from mint director Elias Boudinot to President Adams, who relayed it to Congress. The number of each denomination minted in 1799 is given, along with the value of gold, silver, and copper pieces coined since start of operations. One press can coin 14,000 cents each day, if the planchettes are available. The upcoming move of all government offices to the new seat of government includes the Mint; but complications to Mint operations are anticipated. With no law preventing the private melting of gold and silver coins, that practice is feared to become common."