United States branch Mint correspondence from the National Archives, record group 104, entry 216, volume 3. Covering January 12, 1837, to July 22, 1837.
Correspondence from Robert M. Patterson to Levi Woodbury, regarding arrival of machinery at the New Orleans Mint. From the U.S. National Archives, Record Group 104, Entry 11, courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 11, Branch Mint Correspondence)
New Orleans Mint correspondence for the year 1837. Scans drawn from National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) record group 104, entry 11, boxes 28-31, and reordered chronologically by year. Scans originally acquired through Robert W. Julian, operating under a grant from Central States Numismatic Society, with image post-processing by Roger Burdette and page sorting by Nicole Fry.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 1, General Correspondence)
Extract from National Archives & Records Administration, record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 1 (general correspondence), box 19. Courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.