Missouri monetary history surrounding the State Bank (1837-1877). Part of the series Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, vol. 102, no. 2, published by Columbia University (New York).
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 235, Letters Sent by Director's Office)
U.S. Mint correspondence from the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 235 (letters sent), box 452, covering 1923.
The material here is a partial scan of volume 452. Courtesy of Roger W. Burdeete.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 235, Letters Sent by Director's Office)
U.S. Mint correspondence from the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 235 (letters sent), box 456, covering 1923.
This is a partial scan of box 456, courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 235, Letters Sent by Director's Office)
U.S. Mint correspondence from the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 235 (letters sent from headquarters), volume 454, primarily covering the year 1923. Note, this is a partial scan of volume 454. Courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 235, Letters Sent by Director's Office)
Correspondence from Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, to Charles Evans Hughes, Secretary of State, discussing the manufacture of pure nickel coins at the U.S. Mint. Courtesy of Roger W. Burdette. Extracted from National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 235 (letters sent), volume 454.
U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, Entry 235, Letters Sent by Director's Office)
U.S. Mint correspondence from the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA), record group 104 (U.S. Mint), entry 235 (letters sent from headquarters), volume 453, covering the year 1923. Note, this is a partial scan of volume 453. Courtesy of Roger W. Burdette.
The Philatelic West, published by L. T. Brodstone, Superior, NE. Organized by year. This copy courtesey of the Nebraska History Library (History Nebraska - formerly the Nebraska State Historical Society).
<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->Paper Money in Maryland 1727-1789 by Kathryn L. Behrens. This is an in-copyright publication. "Snippet" results will appear in the Newman Portal search results.