Treasury Deparment notes intention to restore circulation of silver dollars in the U.S. The Treasury include silver dollars in the pay envelopes of Department employees. Extracted from the series "Press Releases of the United States Department of Treasury" at FRASER (online Federal Reserve library),
Numismatic Notes and Monographs, American Numismatic Society
Nos. 16-23 of the ANS Numismatic Notes and Monographs series, containing the following works: The commemorative coinage of the United States (Howland Wood, 1922, no. 16), Six Roman bronze medallions (Agnes Baldwin Brett, 1923, no. 17), The Tegucigalpa coinage of 1823 (Howland Wood, 1923, no. 18), Alexander hoards: II Demanhur hoard (Edward T. Newell, 1923, no. 19), Italian orders of chivalry and medals of honour (Harrold E. Gillingham, 1923, no. 20), Alexander hoards: III Andritsaena (Edward T. Newell, 1923, no. 21), A hoard from Side (Charles T. Seltman, 1924, no. 22), A Cretan coin hoard (Richard B. Seager, 1924, no. 23).
U.S. Comptroller of the Currency Annual Reports, Government Printing Office
"Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency", by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington D.C. 1863-1980. PDF courtesy of FRASER: