U.S. National Archives (Record Group 104, [Denver] Entry 21, Letters Sent to the Director of the Mint)
Denver Mint correspondence, covering the period December 26, 1925 to June 7, 1927. Scanned the National Archives in Denver, record group 104, entry 21, from box 6. Courtesy of John Graffeo.
Extensive correspondence regarding the Brasher doubloons. Correspondence ranges from 1925 to 1999 and includes Edgar Adams, Waldo Newcomer, David Proskey, F. C.C. Boyd, Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli, Philip Greco, Vernon Brown, R.W. Julian, Lee F. Hewitt, Willis H. du Pont, Emery May Norweb, Harry X. Boosel, Margo Russell, Q. David Bowers, Richard Bagg, Michael Hodder, Richard Doty, Edward Roehrs, and others.
U.S. Comptroller of the Currency Annual Reports, Government Printing Office
"Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency", by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Washington D.C. 1863-1980. PDF courtesy of FRASER: https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/56#19164
Main ledger used by Virgil Brand from 1889 to 1925 in which he assigned a serial number to individual and sometimes groups of coins, and noted date of purchase, dealer, quantity, and cost. The serial number found here can be used to reference the pairing entries in the secondary ledgers.