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- Author:
- The Numismatist, American Numismatic Association
- Beschreibung:
- The Numismatist is available with full-view on Newman Portal for the years 1888 to 2002. Online access to The Numismatist is also provided by the American Numismatic Association at
- Stichwort:
- ANA, Numismatist, Numismatics, Periodicals, Coins, Bank notes, Tokens
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- The Numismatist, American Numismatic Association
- Beschreibung:
- The Numismatist is available with full-view on Newman Portal for the years 1888 to 2002. Online access to The Numismatist is also provided by the American Numismatic Association at
- Stichwort:
- ANA, Numismatist, Numismatics, Periodicals, Coins, Bank notes, Tokens
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- The Numismatist, American Numismatic Association
- Beschreibung:
- The Numismatist is available with full-view on Newman Portal for the years 1888 to 2002. Online access to The Numismatist is also provided by the American Numismatic Association at
- Stichwort:
- ANA, Numismatist, Numismatics, Periodicals, Coins, Bank notes, Tokens
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- The Numismatist, American Numismatic Association
- Beschreibung:
- The Numismatist is available with full-view on Newman Portal for the years 1888 to 2002. Online access to The Numismatist is also provided by the American Numismatic Association at
- Stichwort:
- ANA, Numismatist, Numismatics, Periodicals, Coins, Bank notes, Tokens
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- Eric P. Newman Correspondence ("L" Assorted Files), Eric P. Newman
- Beschreibung:
- Over six decades worth of correspondence filed under "assorted L". Correspondents include Fred L. Lake, Scott Thompson, Elizabeth Lammers, Carolyn Hewes Toft, Danny Lane, Stuart N. Lane, William D. Lane, Frederick Langenberg, Thomas Langman, Arthur C. Matz, Kurt Landberg, George Lang, Roy T. Langenberg, Tommy Langman, Henry Morgenthau, James G. Johnson, G.R. Lanning Jr., Warren A. Lapp, Ralph I. Larson, Joel Larus, Donald E. Lasater, Bernard Edison, Melissa Glenn, Jay Guren, Alvin Laurie, Bruce C. LaVigne, George Lawrence, Eileen Lawson. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published:1) Partial list of publications available from American Numismatic Literature attached to a September 26, 1993 letter from Fred Lake. 2) Photocopies of early American bank notes and coins attached to a September 26,1993 letter from Fred Lake. 3) Photocopies of two early Connecticut bank notes attached to a September 19, 1980 letter from Scott Thompson of Lakeland Coin Club. 4) Photocopy of page 28 of a catalogue of Colombian currency by Yasha Beresiner attached to a January 26, 1991 letter from Arthur Matz. 5) Certificate of membership to the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Papel Mondeda attached to a January 26, 1991 letter from Arthur Matz. 6) Photocopy of $100 bill attached to a December 6, 2002 letter from Newman. 7) Glossy photographs of a counterfeit coin attached to a July 13, 1971 letter from James Johnson. 8) Photocopy of a rubbing of an 1804 Dollar coin attached to an August 2, 1965 letter from Newman to Ralph Larson. 9) Glossy photograph of a 1923 Realtors token attached to a 1981 letter from Robert D. Laurence.
- Stichwort:
- Research; Tokens; Bank notes; Coins, American; Coins, Irish; Books
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- Eric P. Newman Correspondence ("L" Assorted Files), Eric P. Newman
- Beschreibung:
- Over six decades worth of correspondence filed under "assorted L". Correspondents include John F. Lhotka Jr., Edwin Wolff II, Phillip Lapansky, D.G. Liddell, Christine Ligoske, Martin Linde, Robert J. Lindesmith, Hazel Lindstrom, Charles Litman, Frank Lloyd, Carol Loeb, Gilbert Loewenstein, Dalton Schreiber, M.H. Loewenstein, David W. Loll, Robert Seaman, John Longley. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published:1) Flier for a "Pre-ANA" auction at the 1990 Washington State Coin Convention.
- Stichwort:
- Research; Tokens; Bank notes; Coins, American; Coins, English
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- Eric P. Newman Correspondence ("L" Assorted Files), Eric P. Newman
- Beschreibung:
- Over six decades worth of correspondence filed under "assorted L". Correspondents include Edward E. Lea Jr., George C. Lee, Kenneth W. Lee, Lee Lee, Ray Lefman, Betty Lefman, John D. Leggett Jr., Marri Lehmann, Carl Lehmberg Jr., Janet Lehr, Julian Leidman, Kean Leiker, J.A. Leo Lemay, Bob Lemke, Joseph Lepczyk, Lea Leonard, Howard S. Mott, Robert Leonard Jr., George LeRider, Ed Leventhal, Michael Levin, Stanley Levin, Julian I Edison, Sid Levinson, Marc Levinson, Mrs. John E. Cleary, Robert Lewin, Robert H. Lewis. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published:1) Photocopy of a Borup & Oakes bank note attached to a September 10, 2001 letter from Newman to Edward Lee. 2) Clipping from the January 12, 1971 edition of Numismatic News Weekly with an article titled "Lee Book Catalogues Known Cal Fractional Gold Issues".
- Stichwort:
- Research; Tokens; Bank notes; Coins, American; Coins, Irish
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- Eric P. Newman Correspondence ("L" Assorted Files), Eric P. Newman
- Beschreibung:
- Over six decades worth of correspondence filed under "assorted L". Correspondents include Joshua Looks, Daniel J. Lorden, John Lorenzo, Grace Lottmann, Philip H. Loughlin III, Peggy Richards, William Louth, William H. Loveday, Allen Lovejoy, Art Lovi, Louis B. Lowdermilk, Kenneth Lowe, George S. Lowry, John E. Dutton, Dave Luck, Carlyle A. Luer, Sheila Lumpe, P.N. Luther, Daniel Lyman, Harrison F. Lyman Jr. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published:1) Clipping from the obituary for Caroline Loughlin as found in the October 13, 2013 edition of the St. Louis Post Dispatch. 2) Photocopy of a 1934 $20 bank note attached to a January 30, 1985 letter from William H. Loveday. 3) Photocopies of tokens and tickets from Louisiana during the 19th century, attached to a November 12, 1993 letter from John Dutton. 4) Photocopy of a clipping from the May 19, 1933 edition of The State-Times, with an article titled "City Scrip Now in Circulation Brings to Light Old Issue of Paper Used During Civil War" by R.H. Wiggins, attached to a November 12, 1993 letter from John Dutton. 5) Photocopy of City of Baton Rouge bank notes attached to a November 12, 1993 letter from John Dutton. 6) Flier for a Joseph Rubinfine auction of 1776 Delaware bank notes.
- Stichwort:
- Research; Tokens; Bank notes; Coins, American; Books
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- The Essay-Proof Journal
- Beschreibung:
- "The Essay-Proof Journal", the quarterly journal of the Essay-Proof Society.
- Stichwort:
- Numismatics; Periodicals; Essays; Proofs
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States
- Author:
- The Essay-Proof Journal
- Beschreibung:
- "The Essay-Proof Journal", the quarterly journal of the Essay-Proof Society.
- Stichwort:
- Numismatics; Periodicals; Essays; Proofs
- Land veröffentlichen:
- United States