Correspondence between Eric P. Newman and James C. Spillman, John L. Cotter, Peter Boisvert, Leslie A. Elam, Bruce Begin, Dennis M. Wint, Clement V. Schettino, Dan Burleson, and Diana Plattner on the topics of colonial currency, tokens, and The Colonial Newsletter. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published: 1) Copy of Coin World, "Former Colonial Newsletter editor James Spilman, 86, dies," September 2015.
Correspondence between Eric P. Newman and Gary A. Trudgen mostly discussing Machin's Mill and British Halfpence. The following materials are loose items found in the correspondence which may or may not have been scanned depending on date published: 1) Photos of coin attached to a letter dated 10/23/1984 2) 6 coin photos attached to a letter dated 02/24/1986 3) A list of Machin papers 4) a paper titled 'Were counterfeit British style halfpence dated 1785 specifically made for American use? I vote yes'. 5) Copy of a manuscript titled "Thomas Machin - Pariot".