In-copyright clips related to western gold, including Q. David Bowers’ A California Gold Rush History, Bowers’ Virgil Brand: The Man and His Era, Dan Owens’ California Coiners and Assayers, David Cassel’s United States Pattern Postage Currency Coins, the 1959 edition of the Guide Book of United States Coins, the December 2001 Counterfeit Coin Bulletin, John Dannreuther’s Official Guide to Coin Grading and Counterfeit Detection, and an unattributed overview of the Kenyon Painter collection, possibly Sol Kaplan’s Pioneer Gold Coinage of the West (1964). Publication dates vary.
Eric P. Newman Research Files (St. Patrick Coinage)
La description:
Email correspondence (drawn from the Yahoo Colonial Coin group) and images related to a suspect St. Patrick's silver farthing appearing in a Stack's (Coin Galleries) February 27, 2001 sale.
An unfinished draft of an article, ebay listing of an 18th century scale and related correspondence, and photocopies of early Congressional activity related to coinage.