Catalogue of an important collection of English & Scottish gold and silver coins of the late Lieut. W.S. Marshall, Scots Guards, killed in action at Tienray, near Venlo in Holland, on 26th November, 1944 ... [04/29/1946]
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Auction 91
2 of 10
Catalogue of war medals and decorations, including the property of A. St. G. Lyster, Esq., and the property of [another] collector, [and containing] an interesting [musical] military relic known as the \Jingling Johnny\ ... [10/24/1939]
3 of 10
Auktion 2
4 of 10
Catalogue of tokens, coins, medals, etc., including Sussex 17th century tokens, 18th century pennies, halfpennies and farthings, bank tokens, countermarked tokens, 19th century silver and copper tokens, foreign coins and tokens, Greek and Roman gold, silver and copper, [etc.] ... [11/22/1938]
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... [12/29/1944] and Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, and commemorative medals, including the collection of Alexander Duncan, Esq., [and containing] a George III pattern Bank of England token for ninepence
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Heritage Currency Auction
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Catalogue of military medals, badges, etc., [including] the collections of E.H. Wakefield, Esq., and J. Reed, Esq., [the latter containing] a set of colored prints by Ackerman, illustrating uniforms of the British and Indian armies and and the George V Antarctic medal, four bars ... [07/18/1939]
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Catalogue of coins of the British Empire, in gold and silver, formed over a period of many years, by a North Country collector ... [05/23/1939]
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[etc.] ... [03/14/1939], ... the late Colonel J. Peters, Catalogue of rare coins, the collections of Mrs. E.M. Horsburgh, of Ayton, Berwickshire, ... T.G. Arnold, Esq., and ... the late Edmund Lucas, Esq., Croydon, [the latter containing] Northumbrian stycas, part of a find made at Hexham, 1832