Catalogue of gold & silver coins of the world, also a good series of ancient coins, [including] Greek, Roman & Byzantine, [as well as] nineteenth century silver tokens, and bank notes ... [02/13-14/1963]
2 of 10
and the late John Durell, Esq. ... [07/22/1936] and Catalogue of coins, tokens, medals, etc., including the collections of Frank Baker, Esq., of Wolverhampton, containing a very fine collection of cut and polished hardstones
3 of 10
[as well as] British Commonwealth coins, and cabinets ... [04/24/1963], a Russia, Nicholas I, platinum 12-roubles, 1832, and Catalogue of gold & silver coins of the world, [including] a Vatican, Pius IX, zecchino, 1775
4 of 10
[and] a William III five-guineas piece, 1701, ... [06/26-27/1963], a Cromwell broad, 1656, and Catalogue of gold & silver coins of the world, [including] an Edward IV London rose noble, sun on reverse only
5 of 10
Auction 62
6 of 10
Catalogue of English & foreign coins, in gold, silver and bronze, [including] the Cromwell Tanner crown, 1658, struck in 1738 from new dies made by Tanner and ... [09/18/1963]
7 of 10
also regimental badges, buttons, etc. ... [05/22/1963], Catalogue of military & naval medals & decorations, [including] a group of three to W. Booth, Deputy Commy. Genl., and [as well as] medals to the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers
8 of 10
Asta 60
9 of 10
Catalogue of Ancient Roman and Greek coins, in gold, silver and bronze, [also] Egyptian cistophori, and Jewish coins ... [07/09/1963]