Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon and Norman coins, the important collection formed by Dr. Brian Bird, of Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., including a St. Eadmund halfpenny, coins of the Viking invaders, ... [11/20/1974]
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shillings, ... [10/30/1974], halfcrowns, [such as] 1673, with plume below bust and in center of reverse, and Catalogue of English milled silver coins, including crowns, from the Paget and Lingford collections
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2022 Extraordinary Half Dime Sealed Bid Auction Part II
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Catalogue of the collection of English hammered silver coins, formed by the late Dr. E[dward] Burstal, M.A., M.D., of Bournemouth, [also including] Greek, Ancient British, [and] Anglo-Saxon ... [05/15-16/1968]
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Catalogue of the collection of English hammered silver coins, formed by the late Dr. E[dward] Burstal, M.A., M.D., of Bournemouth, [also including] Greek, Ancient British, [and] Anglo-Saxon ... [05/15-16/1968]
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [including] an Edward VI third period (1550-53), sovereign of twenty shillings, ... [07/09/1968], and a Queen Mary sovereign, 1553, obv. Queen enthroned, with pomegranate