Catalogue of Central and South American gold coins, [and] Colombian gold ornaments, the property of a well-known American collector ... [03/11/1936]
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a gold replica of the Alfred Jewel, a Glasgow magistrate's badge, [etc.] ... [04/05/1951], the Surveyor's Institution prize medal, gold prize medal, The Royal Institution, Manchester, 1823, and Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [including] a Charles I Oxford triple unite, 1644
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Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [including] British historical medals in silver, the property of V.G. Whitby, Esq., [as well as] English and foreign gold, silver, copper and bronze coins ... [05/03/1951]
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Asta 47
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E-Auction 38
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Roman gold coins ... [02/20/1951], Catalogue of the important collection of Greek, Roman, English, and Scottish coins, formed by the late V.J.E. Ryan, Esq., and Fourth part
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of gold coins and medals, formed by a continental collector, and including many coins from the Austrian Empire, the German Empire, and South America ... [10/11/1929]
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Auction 11
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the collection of Miss Catherine S. Wilson, Catalogue of English coins, [being a series] illustrating British history from the earliest times to the present day, the collection of A.N. Brushfield, Esq., ... Budleigh, Halifax, Yorkshire, and and other properties, ... [05/02/1929]