Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins and medals, including the property of a gentleman, containing British and colonial gold, silver, and copper, [and also] a pair of steel dies used for striking the silver medal of Michael V., Prince of Wallachia ... [03/02/1925]
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Asta 103
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Catalogue of Greek, Roman, Byzantine, British, and colonial, tokens, and foreign coins, historical medals, numismatic books, etc., the collection of coins of the late Rev. W.L. Gantz, Abbotts House, Stanstead Abbotts, Herts, (first portion and antique coins) ... [05/27/1941]
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Naval General Service, Defence of Lucknow, 1857, Military General Service, Crimea, New Zealand, 1845-47, ... [04/22/1949], and Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, including multiple medals for Waterloo, 1815
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a collection of pennies of William the Conquerer, ... [03/30/1955], Catalogue of English & foreign coins, [including] Ancient British and Gaulish coins, and Roman and Byzantine gold coins
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Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, [containing] Greece, an enamelled badge of the Order of the Redeemer, ... [01/11/1949], Italy, gold badge ... of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus, and badge of the Order of the Aztec Eagle of Mexico
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... [06/15/1954] and Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, also gold commemorative and prize medals, [including] a Junior Philatelic Society gold medal awarded in connection with the London International Stamp Exhibition, 1923
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and other properties ... [06/28/1954] and Catalogue of English gold and silver coins, the property of a deceased collector, sold by order of the executor
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[and] a gold prize medal of Trinity College, ... [02/28/1950], Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [including] a George II five guineas piece, 1729, EIC below bust, a Charles II 1663 proof crown struck in gold, eleven strings to harp, and a George IV pattern five pound piece, 1826
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[and another celebrating] the International Invention Exhibition, 1885, by L.C. Wyon, [etc.] ... [04/21/1950], Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [including] a gold medal commemorating the Conquest of Trinidad, 1797, and [as well as] the property of a collector