and an officer, and containing the silver medal of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition [etc.] ... [06/01/1926], Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins and medals, including the properties of Mr. G.W. Turner, late of Zanzibar, and the property of S.J. Wright, Esq.
1 of 10
Archives International Auctions Sale 64
2 of 10
Catalogue of British silver & copper coins, formed by an eminent North Country collector over a period of many years, containing also Irish coins, [etc.] ... [07/12/1943]
3 of 10
Catalogue of Greek, Roman, and foreign coins, the property of Prof. Emil Lajos Jonas, of West Wratting (Cambs) ... [01/18/1949]
4 of 10
... [12/21/1948], a specimen mint set of the Coronation coins of George VI, George II, old head, five guineas, 1748, Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, including a Richard II (1377-99) Calais noble, with flag on stern of vessel, and William and Mary five guineas, 1694
5 of 10
George II, five guineas, 1741, young head, George V and Queen Mary, 1911, large Coronation medal, Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [including] Victoria, pattern five pounds, 1839, by W. Wyon, and ... [03/29/1949]
6 of 10
Heritage U.S. Currency Auction
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Auction 25
8 of 10
Catalogue of the important collection of British coins, formed by the late H[arry] A[lexander] Parsons, comprising English hammered gold, Romano-British, English hammered and milled silver, Maundy money, ... [05/11-13/1954]
9 of 10
[as well as] the property of [another] collector ... [10/22/1942] and Catalogue of antique and modern coins, [sold] by order of the executors of the late [landscape painter] P[hilip] Wilson Steer, O.M., [containing some] ancient British [and] Anglo Gallic coins, A.D. 1362-1461