Catalogue of the important collection of English gold, British, Commonwealth and foreign silver coins, including especially English two guineas, English crowns & florins, the property of the late Herbert Whitley, Esq., ... [04/11/1956]
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and three medals commemorating the opening of the Crystal Palace, in case, Catalogue of antique and modern coins, including a Birmingham Workhouse copper sixpence, and [etc.] ... [12/30/1943]
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Heritage Currency Auction
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Auction H
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Auction 13
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[and] a Coronation set of gold coins, Edward VII, 1902, [etc.] ... [01/28/1943] and Catalogue of Greek & Roman coins, talers, etc., the property of the late J.N.G. Wallworth, [containing] a Philip V of Spain Quadruple, 1721
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Auction 12
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Auction 14
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, a portion [being] for sale on behalf of Mrs. Winston Churchill's Aid to Russia fund, including a large gold medal presented in commemoration of the Coronation of Nicholas II as Czar and ... [05/19/1942]
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, and commemorative medals, including a silver medal of the Loyal Association, 1745, by T. Pingo ... [09/01/1943]