and. V.B. Crowther-Beynon, Esq., Catalogue of coins, tokens, books & coin cabinets, the property of the late Sir Charles Oman, K.B.E., and ... [02/20/1947]
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Heritage World Paper Money
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Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, including an autographed letter from Florence Nightingale, dated June 18, 1856, from the General Hospital, Balaclava, respecting the accomodation, on the passage home from the Crimea, of some of her nurses ... [05/21/1947]
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, medals commemorative of British history, the property of W. Waite Sanderson, Esq., C.B.E., and books, [etc.] ... [07/27/1942]
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Catalogue of the collection of English & foreign coins in gold & silver, formed by A. Hill, Esq. ... [04/23/1952]
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Heritage World Currency Auction
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Catalogue of military & naval medals and decorations, including the decorations [awarded to] Major the Right Hon. Sir P[hilip] A[lbert] G[ustave] D[avid] Sassoon, BT., G.B.E., C.M.G., M.P. ... [12/20/1954]
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Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, including a series of Syracusan tetradrachms, Indo-Scythic coins of Kushan, coins of Scotland, [etc.] ... [04/28/1947], and [as well as] coins of Malta, mostly from Sir Edwin King's sale, June 1, 1944
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Heritage World Currency Auction Platinum Night
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... [03/25/1947], [as well as English and foreign coins] from the [W. Waite] Sanderson collection, Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, including Greek coins, and the Carrall collection of Chinese and Corean coins, including a small collection of Annamese and Japanese coins, [etc.]