Catalogue of Greek, Roman, early English, and foreign coins, [containing] Kushan and Gupta gold and [a portion of which is also] contributed to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St. John Fund, [including] a very fine large gold medal, ... [11/28/1941]
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Catalogue of early military medals, decorations, etc., the collection of W. Waite Sanderson, Esq., C.B.E., of Riding Mill, Northumberland, second portion ... [11/10/1941]
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Heritage World Currency Auction
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Catalogue of early military medals, decorations, etc., the collection of W. Waite Sanderson, Esq., C.B.E., of Riding Mill, Northumberland, first portion ... [06/12-13/1941]
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Catalogue of tokens, formed by the late W. Waite Sanderson, Esq., C.B.E., of Newcastle-on-Tyne, to be sold by order of the executors, containing a majority from the 18th century, but also some from the 17th and 19th ... [11/16/1944]
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Catalogue of the collection of Roman & Byzantine gold coins, formed by [playwright and screenwriter] John L. Balderston, Esq., of Kensington, London, and Beverley Hills, California, on whose instructions we are now offering them for sale ... [06/18/1937]
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Monete Di Zecche Italiane, Greek and Roman Coins
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Catalogue of coins and medals, [including] the collection of [the late] David C. Sassoon, Esq., ... [09/29/1941], and [and] a collection of Spanish dollars, countermarked with bust of George III, and issued for currency in England
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Catalogue of a choice collection of Roman sestertii and dupondii, formed by the Rev. E.A. Sydenham, M.A., President of the Royal Numismatic Society ... [12/10/1941]
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Catalogue of a collection of antique and modern coins, medals, [including] a [further] collection of Spanish dollars, countermarked with the bust of George III, for currency in Britain and [and] a set of lots sold on behalf of the Red Cross Fund, and St. John Fund ... [10/31/1941]