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and other properties ... [05/28/1940] and Catalogue of war medals and decorations, including a further portion of the collection of E.E. Needes, Esq., [containing] Waterloo 1815 medals with bust of George, Prince Regent, issued to Hanoverian troops, [etc.]
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Catalogue of war medals and decorations, including the [further] property of the late E.E. Needes, Esq., [containing] neatly written manuscripts listing the recipients of various service medals, [etc.], and others ... [06/25/1940]
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Auction C
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David L. Davis, Esq., Catalogue of rare coins, including the properties of J.C. Smith, Esq., Toronto, and the [further] collection of the late C. Kayser, Esq. ... [04/27/1938], and coins of Sussex, the property of General G.V. Clarke
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Catalogue of English silver coins, the property of Lionel C. Messiter, Esq., Dudley, Worcester, [containing] Northumbrian stycas, part of the Hexham find, 1832 and . ... [04/24/1940]
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Catalogue of rare coins and historical medals, the property of the late J. McPherson, Esq., Gloucester, ... [06/20/1940], and [and] the estate of George Wight, Esq., deceased, sold by order of the King's and Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Edinburgh
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Auction 100, Part II
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[containing] the final portion of a representative collection of Greek coins, ... [05/21/1940] and Catalogue of Greek, Roman and English coins, [as well as] seventeenth century tokens
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Auction 102
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Catalogue of Greek, Roman, early English, and foreign coins, tokens, and historical medals, including a representative collection of Greek coins, continued from the 31st January 1940 sale ... [02/28/1940]
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