Catalogue of war medals and decorations, the collection of the late E.E. Needes, Esq., of Highgate, London (first portion), for sale by order of the executors ... [11/29-30/1939]
5 of 10
Auction 5
6 of 10
Catalogue of Greek, Roman, early English, & foreign coins, naval and military decorations, including a representative collection of the coins of Magna Graecia and Sicily, chosen for their beauty and historic interest ... [01/31/1940]
7 of 10
Catalogue of an important collection of English & Scottish gold and silver coins of the late Lieut. W.S. Marshall, Scots Guards, killed in action at Tienray, near Venlo in Holland, on 26th November, 1944 ... [04/29/1946]
8 of 10
Auction 91
9 of 10
Catalogue of war medals and decorations, including the property of A. St. G. Lyster, Esq., and the property of [another] collector, [and containing] an interesting [musical] military relic known as the \Jingling Johnny\ ... [10/24/1939]