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Catalogue of British coins, the property of the late Gilbert C. Drabble, Esq., Los Altos, Isle of Wight (first portion) ... [07/04/1939]
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Catalogue of ancient British coins, the property of G.F. Fitzherbert, [as well as] early English, Greek gold and silver, the latter from an ancient collection, Roman, and medieval coins ... [12/15/1939]
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Auction 87
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Heritage World Currency Auction
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Asta 90
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Catalogue of gold coins [of Austria, Germany, Italy, and the Americas, etc.], the property of T.A. Common, Esq., (second portion), D.C. Harris, of New York, and of an Austrian doctor ... [10/26-27/1938]
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[and] a collection sold by the executors of the late Mrs. E.S. Robinson, Cambridge, [etc.] ... [09/20-21/1938] and Catalogue of rare coins, [and] military medals, [including] coins and medals of Sweden, Scottish kirk tokens, the property of Martin T. Smith, Perth
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Auction 88
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[and] a Bank of Montreal penny token of 1839, [etc.] ... [07/27/1938], an United States fifty dollars piece, 1852, and Catalogue of rare coins, numismatic books, etc., etc., [including] the collection of Stanley J. Brown, Esq., [and containing] an Oliver Cromwell medal, on his death, 1658
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Auktion 1
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