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Heritage U.S. Currency Auction
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Heritage World Currency Auction
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Auction 66
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Catalogue of military and naval medals, the collection of the late Alexander Scott, Esq. ... [02/27/1936]
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Catalogue of naval and military medals, miscellaneous medals, badges, etc., including a collection sold by order of the executors of the late J.H. Hodgekinson, [etc.] ... [07/15/1936]
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Catalogue of a collection of English gold, silver and copper coins and medals, part of the property of a private collector, [F. Willis], and other properties [containing] a James II five-guineas piece, 1688, and ... [07/17/1962]
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[as well as] some curious currencies, [including] the corner section of an ancient mint (500 B.C.-618 A.D.), and a specimen coin from it, [etc.] ... [11/27/1947], and Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [containing] the collection of the late T. Wanklyn, Esq.
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Catalogue of a collection of military & naval medals and decorations, including a sword, general's type, the blade inscribed, presented to the (celebrated war correspondent) Bennett Burleigh, Esq. ... [10/29/1947]
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Catalogue of continental coins, mediaeval and modern silver issues of Germany, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, etc., etc., ... [12/18/1944]
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Catalogue of the important sale of a celebrated collection of tokens, in gold, platinum, and silver, etc., chiefly of the nineteenth century, formed by the late Francis Cokayne, Esq., 1st portion, [including] a shield dollar of 1798 by C.H. Kuchler, ... [07/17/1946]
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