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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, including a choice collection of Roman Imperial aurei, [containing coins of] Augustus, Claudius, Nero, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus, Faustina, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus, ... [05/28/1945]
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[and containing] a baronet's oval silver gilt enamelled badge, ... 5/15/1945] and Catalogue of military and naval medals and decorations, including the collection of the late Marcus Hyman
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Heritage U.S. Currency Auction Platinum Night
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Catalogue of an extensive collection of ancient, English, and foreign coins, in gold, silver, and bronze [including] an early Roman gold stater, Sydenham, Janiform head, rev. oath taking scene and an Egypt, Ptolemy V Philadelphos gold octodrachm, ... [05/17-18/1967]
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Asta 76
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Catalogue of the important collection of silver coins of China, and the colony of Hong Kong, [also including] those of Mongolia and Tibet, formed by W. von Halle, Esq. ... [11/24/1966]
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Auction 71
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Ninth Annual C-4 Convention Sale
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Auction 73
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Roman Imperial large and middle brass, [and] Greek coins, [as well as] foreign coins, in gold, and silver ... [11/23/1966] and Catalogue of English gold coins, also ancient, [including] Roman and Byzantine gold
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