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Asta 68
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [including] specimen sets and gold medals, [such as] the Royal Society large gold medal awarded to Warren de la Rue, 1864, obv. young head of Victoria, by W. Wyon and ... [04/21-22/1966]
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Catalogue of coins of the world, in gold & silver, [including] a Greek, George II, 100-drachmae, a George IV pattern crown, 1820, by R. Whiteaves, bust without collar and necktie, ... [04/04/1966], and a George II proof crown, 1746, old head, Vicesimo
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... [05/11/1966] and Catalogue of Ancient Roman & Greek coins, [including] a collection of Roman Imperial aurei and solidi, denarii and antoniniani, bronze sestertii, second brass, third brass et infra [and a few] Roman Republican coins
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Heritage Currency Auction
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Heritage U.S. Currency Auction
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Thirteenth Annual C-4 Convention Sale
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [containing] a Charles II five-guineas piece, 1676, with elephant and castle below bust and military and naval medals and decorations, ... [11/27/1963]
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Catalogue of coins of the world, in gold & silver, including a George III pattern sovereign, 1816, by T. Wyon, after model by Pistrucci, a collection of foreign gold coins, ... [03/09-10/1966], and a Queen Victoria pattern half-sovereign in Palladium Hydrogenium, 1869, by Graham
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Catalogue of a collection of English milled silver coins, the property of E. R[onald] Jackson-Kent, Esq., especially those of William III, ... in which the owner attempted (and nearly accomplished) getting a specimen in every variety ... [05/26/1965]
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