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the Royal Air Force Cross 1918, \awarded for valor, courage, or devotion to duty, \ Khedive's Sudan Medal, 4 bars, Nyima, Katifa, Nyam Nyam, Jerok, Catalogue of military and naval medals, decorations, etc., including a Military General Service medal with ten bars, and [etc.] ... [05/31/1937]
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also eighteenth and nineteenth century tokens, cabinets, and books ... [02/10/1961], several fine Maundy sets, English regal copper coins, and Catalogue of English, foreign and ancient coins, in gold and silver, [including] 3 nomisma of Isaac I (1057-59)
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& foreign coins, in gold and silver, [such as] 977 U.S.A. Lincoln-head cents, ... [03/17/1961], and Catalogue of English [coins, containing] a George II, proof crown, 1732, young head, plain edge
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Coin Sale Auctions
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Greek, (Part IV - Final), Catalogue of Part XII of the celebrated collection of coins, formed by the late Richard Cyril Lockett, Esq., and Asia Minor, Asia, and Africa ... [02/21-23/1961]
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Heritage World Currency Auction
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Heritage U.S. Currency Auction The Mike Coltrane Collection Part I
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Heritage U.S. Currency
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Catalogue of Part X of the celebrated collection of coins, formed by the late Richard Cyril Lockett, Esq., A selection of Anglo-Saxon, Norman, Plantagenet, Tudor, and Commonwealth coins ... [04/26-27/1960], and English, Part IV
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Auction 54
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