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coins and commemorative medals, as well as naval and military medals ... [12/15/1930], Mrs. Seton, of St. Leonard's-on-Sea, silver coins of Horace W. Monckton, Esq., Catalogue of coins, tokens, and war medals, the properties of C.W. Escott, Esq., and early English coins of a gentleman
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and the D.M. Hunter collection of English and Scottish coins and tokens ... [06/02/1930] and Catalogue of the Braithwaite collection of Greek and Roman coins, formerly belonging to the late William C. Braithwaite, Esq., of Banbury
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Greek antiquities illustrating medicine and hygiene, the property of a gentleman, Catalogue of rare coins, including the collections of E. Rolfe, Esq., and war medals ... [03/20/1929], and and H.G. Erington, Esq.
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and other properties ... [06/29/1939], lead marks of the Sun Insurance Office, Ltd., and Catalogue of fire insurance marks, the property of R.W. Short, Esq., Trowbridge, Wilts.
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Catalogue of the E. Fletcher collection of English gold coins ... [12/13/1937]
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Catalogue of the Glen Taylor collection of military and naval medals, presented to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester's Regiment, and St. John Fund, for the benefit of the War Organisation of the British Red Cross Society, and Order of St. John of Jerusalem, ... [11/27/1941]
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Catalogue of military and naval medals, the collection of Roderick Dow, Esq., Woodbridge, Suffolk ... [03/07/1929]
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and F.A. Rogers, Esq., of Bristol ... [06/28/1928] and Catalogue of rare coins, including the properties of the late J. Wilkinson Esq., of Hull
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Catalogue of antique and modern coins and medals, [including] Omnium Caesarum, illustrations of Roman coins, Caesar to Domitian, printed 1553, ... [12/31/1941]
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plan of the Battle of Bladensburg, Maryland, U.S.A., 24th August, 1814, fire insurance marks ... [06/26/1930], Catalogue of coins and medals, including English silver coins, the property of E.I. Davys, Esq.. of Chiswick, and Canadian tokens, the property of George A. Gillette, Esq., of Rochester, New York
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