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[etc.] [01/30/1942], Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, [including] an English sovereign of 1553, with pomegranate, very fine and extremely rare, and [and] a collection of Masonic jewels
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the late Mr. F.W. Brewer, of Newcastle, and P.E. Tolliday, Esq., [etc.] ... [02/18/1926], a gentleman, Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins and medals, including the properties of Lady Wilson Todd, and [another] lady
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[also] a lady's diamond and ruby marquise ring, ... [04/20/1942], and Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, medals and cabinets, [etc.], including an early ornamental astrolabe, the face showing a network of star pointers
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Catalogue of the valuable collection of gold coins, etc., the property of S.A.H. Whetmore, Esq. ... [03/24/1943]
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Catalogue of Greek and Roman coins, the property of the late C.H. Greene, Esq., M.A., F.R.Hist.S., (sold by order of the executors), and containing bronze coins and Roman sestertii, [etc.] ... [06/18/1943]
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Catalogue of English gold and silver coins, [including] a fine collection of English milled coins, the property of a collector, [etc.] ... [02/23/1943], and [as well as] antiques, the property of Lord [John Richard Brinsley Norton, 5th Baron] Grantley
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins and medals, including the property of a gentleman, and other properties, and containing a medal displaying the King's departure from Scheveningen, and an Order of Integrity ticket ... [01/22/1926]
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Catalogue of ancient and modern coins, including a Monaco, Charles III, 1882, one hundred francs piece, in brilliant state, and military and naval medals, containing two 1815 medals for Waterloo, and [etc.] [07/26-27/1943]
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and Roman gold, such as an octodrachm of Arsinoe II ... [10/21/1925] and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins and medals, including the property of C.A. Halliday, Esq., and various other properties, and containing English medals, such as a Charles II Christ's Hospital scholar's badge, of 1672
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Catalogue of coins & medals of Brunswick-Luneberg, from the collection of Dr. A.N. Brushfield, Vice President of the British Numismatic Society ... [07/16/1943]
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