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[etc.] ... [04/30/1953] and Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, in gold and silver, including Ancient British gold staters, and specimen sets, [as well as] the property of the late Col. Sir Edwin King, K.C.B., C.M.G., containing mostly Greek coins, and a few English and foreign
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Catalogue of [the] important collection, [of M.W. Hall], of English hammered gold coins, from Edward III to Charles II, and a selection of Scottish gold coins ... [10/03/1963]
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a Charles II Naval Reward, 1665, by John Roettier, ... [05/12/1953] and Catalogue of English & foreign coins, [including] three lots of George III and George IV crowns from the Duke of Wellington's collection
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Catalogue of [the second portion of] an important collection of German thalers, [as well as] Austrian gold and silver coins, also a fine collection of English & Scottish coins ... [10/28-29/1964]
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... [10/14/1964], a Charles II five-guineas piece, 1677, pointed truncation, Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [including] a Cromwell broad of 1656, and a Charles I, Oxford triple unite, 1642
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Catalogue of ancient & modern coins, in gold and silver, [including] a Queen Victoria mint specimen set of 1839, [etc.] ... [03/11/1953], [also] curious currency, [such as] Siamese leaf money, [and] Indian silver larins, and Chinese boat money
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Catalogue of the important collection of English coins, in gold, silver and copper, formed by K.V. Graham, Esq. ... [06/12/1963]
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Catalogue of a small but choice collection of English milled gold coins, the property of a private collector ... [06/26/1963]
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Catalogue of Part I of the important collection of military and naval medals and decorations, formed by the late Ambrose Elson, Esq., of Coventry ... [02/27/1963]
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and other properties ... [02/19/1953] and Catalogue of military & naval medals and decorations, including a collection of military general service medals, 1793-1814, several in groups, and a rare Field Officer's gold medal for Albuhera (Edward Hawkshaw, Lt.-Col.)
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