[as well as] other properties ... [07/06/1977] and Catalogue of naval & military decorations and medals, [and a few related books, the property of Warrant-Officer Grainger]
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Catalogue of the R[obert] P[atrick] V[ernon] Brettell collection of coins of Exeter, and Civil War issues of Devon ... [10/28/1970]
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... [10/15-16/1970] and A catalogue of the coin collection formed by Mr. W.E. Leistner, of New York, [containing] modern world gold, [including] the \sovereign size\ collection formed by the late M.A. Jamieson
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Catalogue of English, ancient and foreign coins, in gold, silver, and bronze, including Roman, English hammered coinage and crowns, a series of commemorative medals [as well as] coins of Sinkiang (Chinese Turkestan) and the U.S. ... [07/09/1970]
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... [11/30/1976], Catalogue of naval and military decorations and medals, [including] the King's Medal for Courage in the Cause of Freedom, and Liverpool Shipreck and Humane Society's Marine Lifesaving medal
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Ancient, English and world coins, and historical medals, [including] a Lucania, Sybarus stater, bull standing left, looking back, ... [06/09/1993], and a France, Merovingian tremissis, diademed bust, rev. eight-pointed star