... [09/30/1987], English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [including] specimen and proof sets, a group of silver pennies of the Wareham Mint, [and] other English hammered silver coins, and a collection of halfcrowns from Edward VI to George V
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [including] a Henry VIII third coinage sovereign, Southwark mint, S both sides and [and] Ancient British, ... [11/17-18/1976]
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Catalogue of a collection of fine English hammered gold coins, together with a few Ancient British, Anglo-Gallic, and Scottish issues, the preservation of many being almost \as struck\ ... [11/24/1976]
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, and copper, [including] an Elizabeth I crown, 1601, sceptre points to I in REGINA, ... [10/13/1976], and a Java, British Occupation, AV half-rupee, 1814
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[as well as] type sets, [such as] Edward VII (1902-1910 inclusive) [and] George V (1927-1936 inclusive), [etc.] ... [09/15/1976], and Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, and copper [including] Israeli commemorative medals and coins
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... [11/22-23/1972] and Catalogue of gold and silver coins of the world, including an extensive series of coins of South America, [containing] a good collection of gold coins of Chile, from the mint of Santiago
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a small group of Norwich pennies, a collection of countermarked dollars, English and world coins, [including] a small group of coins from the family of Raoul Robellaz Kahan, and a third and final consignment of mint-state Elizabeth II Commonwealth Games, ... [12/09/1992]
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The Reigate Hoard of medieval gold and silver coins, the property of Roger Mintley, Esq., [containing] gold nobles, half-nobles, and quarter-nobles from Edward III to Henry IV, Anglo-Gallic saluts d'or, silver groats, halfgroats, and pence of the Edwards to Henry VI ... [12/08/1992]
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Historical medals, Masonic jewels and medals by Karl Goetz, [including] a good collection of the patriotic and satirical series made during World War I and the years of political instability that followed, ... [11/04/1992]