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Catalogue of ancient, Oriental, European and British coins, [comprising] the property of W.H. Bennett, of Shirley, Surrey, ... [10/04-05/1972]
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Medals of the Renaissance, [and] other Italian and European medals, a collection of tickets, passes, checks and counters, the property of a gentleman and [also] numismatic books and auction catalogues, [etc.] ... [06/10/1987]
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Catalogue of coins of the Netherlands, recovered from the Dutch East Indiaman, \De Leifde,\ wrecked off Out Skerries, 7th November, 1711 ... [10/28/1969]
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a Kings of Mercia, Cynethryth (wife of Offa) penny, ... [10/08/1991], Ancient, English and world coins, [including] the unique presentation medal to Sir Benjamin Charles Brodie, Sr., and a collection of sovereigns, (1817-1989)
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Ancient, English & foreign coins, [including] Greek, Roman and Byzantine, [such as] a find of coins from the mints of Antioch and Constantinople and ... [05/06/1987]
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Greek, Roman, and Byzantine coins, [such as] a Constantine VII solidus, 945, bust of Christ Pantokrator, rev. bust of Constantine Autokrator, wearing loros and holding patriarchal cross on globus and ... [06/06/1991]
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Catalogue of Ancient Greek coins, in gold, silver, and bronze, [being] a collection formed in England mainly before the last war, [and also including] a few Byzantine coins, and copper 'scyphates,' [etc.] ... [06/21/1972]
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [including] a Gaulish Armorican stater, laureate head right, ... [09/27/1972], and gold medals, such as an Eire, gold medal commemorating Ireland's Golden Jubilee Celebrations, 1966
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other medals, a collection of seventeenth century trade tokens, the property of a former Keeper of the Science Museum, London, ... [02/18/1987] and The Thomas Stainton collection of British historical and artistic medals
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[and] a collection of 513 copper coins of Charles II to George IV, ... [04/08/1987], and English and foreign coins, [including] a Dr. Albert Schweitzer set of three gold medals, 1965, by Kovacs, published by Gregory & Co.
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