Extensively illustrated. Including numismatic literature. 2652 lots, including 1031 Greek and 1050 Roman. Goodman Collection of Roman Republican, Part V; Roger A. Bickford-Smith Collection of Severan Denarii.
Extensively illustrated. 2171 lots, including 834 Greek and 938 Roman. Cornelius C. Vermeule III Collection of Roman Imperial Bronze (Sold for the benefit of the Classical Department of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts); An Important Private Collection of Athenian Bronze Coinage, [Part I]; The Scandinavian Collection of Alexandrian Coinage, Part II; Five Rare Anglo-Saxon Pennies from the Crickdale Mint.
980 total lots in two sessions, including 343 Greek and 197 Roman. An Exceptional Collection of Fractions from Sicilian Naxos; An Unpublished Chalkidian League Gold Stater; Athens Dekadrachm; Extremely Rare Prototype Gold Stater of Kroisos; Important Baktrian Rarities in Gold and Silver; Second Known Gold Half Stater from Pushkalavati; An Exceptional Port of Ostia Sestertius of Nero; One of the Finest Known Roman Contorniates; Second Known Gold Two Solidi Seal of Nicephorus III; The Weinstein Collection of Early Dated Coinage (Part I); A Collection of Spanish and Spanish American Coinage; The Faintich Collection of English Hammered Coinage.
1730 total lots in four sessions, including 650 Greek and 555 Roman. The Chiltern and RCM Collections of Ancient Coinage; The Alex Shubs Collection of Coinage of the Western Black Sea Region; A Demareteion Tetradrachm and Six Dekadrachms of Syracuse; A 'Porus' Dekadrachm of Alexander the Great from the Hunt Collection; Further Selections from the BCD Collection of the Coins of Thessaly; A Stater of the Seleukid Usurper Andragoras; The Goldman Collection of Roman Imperatorial Coinage; The Rarest Gold Issue of Vespasian's Judaea Capta Coinage; Medallion of Severus Alexander - Conversion of the Elagabalium; Silver Medallion of Constantine I from the Feirstein Collection; Very Rare Artavasdus Gold Nomisma; An Extremely Rare Gold Maravedi of Alfonso IX; A Gold Unite of Charles I from the Ryan Collection; One of the Finest Proof Pattern Gold Broads of Oliver Cromwell.