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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including seventeeth century tokens of ... Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Cambridgeshire, Chester, Cornwall, Devon, Essex, Gloucester, Kent, Northamptonshire, Oxon, Somerset, Warwickshire, Worcester, Middlesex, London, Ireland, and Dungarven and [etc.] ... [01/27/1916]
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including a large gold medal, presented by the Life Saving Association of New York to J. Horton, S.S. Teutonic, ... 1895, [etc.] ... [03/30/1916], and [and] a very fine King's Messenger Badge, William IV, ... [with] the Royal Arms painted in miniature
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including a mahogany cabinet, by Turton, containing 25 trays, with piercings suitable for first and second brass, handles and lock, key missing, [etc.] ... [06/30/1915]
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[and] Admiral Sir Augustus Leopold Kuper, G.C.B., [etc.] ... [05/22/1913], and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including [interesting groups] of decorations [awarded] to Lieut.-Col. James Stuart, C.B. (70th Bengal, N.I.)
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J.G. Wheelwright, Esq., W.R. Davies, Esq., Catalogue of collections of English, foreign, Greek & Roman, coins, medals & tokens, the properties of the late J.W. Fewkes, Esq., and the late Godfrey Meynell, Esq., of Meynell Langley, and others, ... also ... a collection of gold posy rings ... [05/02/1887]
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A catalogue of the very extensive collection of astronomical and philosophical instruments of the late William Walker. Esq., lecturer on the Eidouranion, (removed from his house at Hayes), comprising ... equatorials, theodolites, sextants, ... chronometers, ... barometers, thermometers, hygrometers, &c., also a few coins, ... with some paintings ... [06/06/1816]
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Catalogue of the collection of English coins formed by the late Allen Preston, Esq., of Birmingham, containing a fine series of crown and half-crown pieces, from Edward VI to Victoria, and including many rare proof and pattern pieces ... [11/02/1900]
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a bronze seal matrix, early 14th century, charged with a hart standing, with legend in Lombardic characters, [etc.] ... [04/30/1915], and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including ancient Gaulish coins of tribes in northern Gaul
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Catalogue of the collection of Greek and Roman coins, early Italian medals, and medallions, &c., &c., of the late Samuel Rogers, Esq. ... [05/26/1856]
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including the property of A.O. Fray, Esq. and and the property of the late E.S. Grindle, Esq. of Oxford ... [07/21/1911]
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