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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, includinng an important group of medals, naval general service, with two bars, Trafalgar, Gaeita, 1815, of W.J.T. Hood, First Class Volunteer, afterwards, Captain, R.N., ... for his improved naval quadrant, 1824, ... and for his invention of an ice saw, 1828, for his method of constructing a floating bridge, and for his invention of an improved rocket shaft, 1830 ... [04/24/1908]
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eighteenth century tokens, including a King's Theater Haymarket penny, miscellaneous relics of Admiral Lord Nelson, including a Davenport vase and a snuff box, Indian chief's silver medal, 1814, [etc] ... [01/21/1909], and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including Romano British, second brass of Hadrian
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[including] Jewish shekel of Simon Maccabeus, ... Elis stater with head of Hera, [etc.] ... [01/31/1900], a collection of Anglo-Saxon and English coins, the property of a gentleman, the carefully selected collection of Roman coins, in silver and bronze, the property of the Rev. Francis J. Boynton, and Catalogue of the collection of Greek, Roman and English coins, the property of T.E. Pinkett, Esq.
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Catalogue of very valuable collections of coins, medals and decorations, including a large series of Roman coins, and electrotype copies of ancient coins, suitable for students, ... Highland relics connected to the Fraser family, the bugle used by trumpeter William Brittain, Lord Cardigan's trumpeter at the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava, [etc.] ... [11/02/1905]
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Catalogue of a collection of Greek, Roman, early British, Anglo-Saxon & English coins, &c., the property of a gentleman, [including] ... Trinidad \holey\ dollar, Mozambique 2 1/2 Onza piece, Antigonus Gonatus, tetradrachm, [etc.] ... [03/06/1900]
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Catalogue of the collection of coins & medals of the late Wm. Frazer, M.D., ... (member of Royal Irish Academy and Scottish Society of Antiquaries), of Dublin, [including] ... a large series of gun-monies of James II, ... Irish medals, engraved by Dublin artists, [etc.] ... [03/12/1900]
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Catalogue of very valuable collections of coins, medals and decorations, the property of a collector, including an officer's gold Peninsula medal for Vittoria ... [05/24/1907]
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[etc] ... [03/24/1908] and Catalogue of very valuable collections of coins & medals, the property of an officer, including the Victoria Cross, the Indian Mutiny Medal, with bars, for Lucknow, Relief of Lucknow, Delhi, awarded to Lce.-Corpl. William Goat, 9th Lancers
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the Hon. East India Company's silver medal, for Java, 1811, [etc.] ... [05/22/1908], and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including a rare naval medal, of Commander Silas Thomas Hood
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[etc] ... [04/29/1909], Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including eighteenth century tokens and halfpennies, a gold and silver Star of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle, and Spence's mules, all in mint state
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