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Public Auction and The Twenty Fifth Annual Memphis International Paper Money Show
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Catalogue of the extensive collection of Greek, Roman, Anglo-Saxon, English, and foreign coins, English and foreign medals, Scottish coins, military and naval medals, and foreign decorations, the property of the late John Kermack Ford, Esq. ... [06/12/1884]
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Catalogue of the collection of coins and medals of the late A. W. Hankin, Esq., (of Hatfield, Hertz), comprising Greek coins in gold and silver, Roman coins, (including Imperial aurei, Consular and Imperial denarii, and bronze coins), English coins, ... foreign coins, English and foreign medals, (including ... coronation medals in gold) ... [03/29/1900]
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Auction No. 265 and New York City Fall Currency, Stock & Bond Auction
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Catalogue of a rare and valuable collection of local antiquities, found during excavations in London, within the last fifteen years, comprising, a fine colossal bust, in bronze, of Hadrian, found in the Thames, near old London bridge, ... [a] Saxon urn, found in Westminster, and ... Samian ware ... [07/19/1848]
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Mail Bid Sale and Fall 1988
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Catalogue of the valuable collection of early British, Anglo-Saxon, and English coins, formed by E.H. Evans, Esq., M.N.S., of Hampstead, comprising ... pennies of Cuthred, Coenwlf, Abp. Plegmund, St. Peter of York, etc. ... [05/30/1894]
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[etc.] ... [05/25/1921], as well as other properties, and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including the property of R. Sutcliffe, Esq., [containing] English silver coins, Colonial coins, foreign coins, French bronze medals and plaquettes on the war, [and numismatic] books
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[a] proof of the Garbett halfpenny token, [etc.] ... [06/22/1921], Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins, including hop-pickers tokens or checks, in brass and pewter, and [a] bracelet, consisting of a £5 and £2 piece of Victoria, 1887
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Catalogue of the very valuable collection of war medals and decorations, formed by Lieut. Colonel R. Leslie Birkin, J.P., D.S.O., The Park, Nottingham ... [03/16/1921]
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