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Catalogue of a collection of Greek, Roman, and Byzantine coins, in gold, silver and copper, formed by H.A. Green, Esq., during a long residence in Greece ... [04/08/1895]
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The Rosenheim collections and catalogue of the collection of medals, plaquettes, & coins, chiefly of the Renaissance, formed by the late Max Rosenheim, Esq., F.S.A., and Maurice Rosenheim, Esq., F.S.A. ... [04/30/1923]
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Catalogue of the collection of coins and medals from different cabinets, comprising fine specimens of English & foreign medals, ... Greek and Roman coins, rare shekels, coins of the English series, war medals, [etc.] ... [04/25/1877]
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Catalogue of American and foreign gold, silver & copper coins, from a private collection, to be sold at public sale, ... at Birch & Son's auction store ... [07/29/1869]
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Spink & Son USA Auction No. 3
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Catalogue of the choice collection of Babylonian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman engraved gems, formed by the late distinquished antiquarian, John Robert Steuart, Esq., together with ... Babylonian, Persepolitan, & other antiquities, including a magnificent Etruscan vase ... [06/22/1849]
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and others ... [11/13/1894], Catalogue of the collections of Greek, Roman, English, and foreign coins and medals, the property of the late M. Hodgkinson Bobart, Esq., and the late Rev. E. Boden, M.A., of Hull
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Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of ancient coins, the property of a collector deceased, [Mr. J. Foster of Holiell, near Hitchen, Herts.], comprising many rare specimens of Greek, Roman, British, Byzantine, Saxon & English, ... and a few fine medals ... [05/09/1832]
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Strasburg Stock & Bond Auction No. 242
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A catalogue of the genuine and entire collection of Greek, Roman, and other coins and medals, of Angel Carmey, Esq., late of Ranelagh Row, Chelsea, deceased, likewise his valuable collection of gems, pictures, clocks, watches, Dresden china, and other curious effects ... [02/18/1766]
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