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Catalogue of the collection of Greek, Roman, &c. coins, in gold, silver and copper, of the late Admiral Spratt, C.B., F.R.S., F.S.A., etc. ... [12/02/1891]
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Catalogue of a valuable collection of bijouterie and other works of art, the property of a gentleman, comprising, ... gold rings and brooches, ... cameos and intaglios, ... an exquisite snuff box, of Oriental onyx, ... miniatures and enamels, ... Etruscan vases, gold and silver watches, [an] oak cabinet, of the Elizabethan period, stained glass, Chinese figures, [etc.] ... [02/21/1857]
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Pittsburgh and Bullet Auction
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G.C. Neale, Esq., a gentleman, deceased, and others ... [07/03/1891], the late R.H. Soden Smith, Esq, and Catalogue of the collections of Greek, Roman, English & foreign coins, medals, & tokens, the properties of the late Charles Roach Smith, Esq., ... the late J.W. Rawlings, Esq., of Hayle, Cornwall
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Catalogue of Greek, Roman, and medieval coins, medals & plaques, the property of a gentleman, comprising an interesting series of Greek coins of Italy and Sicily, rare medieval & Cinque-Cento papal coins & medals, Italian Cinque-Cento medals and plaques ... German religious medals, badges, &c ... [07/02/1891]
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Held in conjunction with the February 1991 Long Beach Numismatic & Philatelic Convention and Bullet Auction
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Bullet Auction and Held in conjunction with the March 1991 Tampa Gold Convention
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Catalogue of the collection of coins, tokens & medals, the property of David Farrar, deceased, late of Brownshill House, Chalford, G[l]oucestershire, and Bath, comprising an extensive series of English, foreign, Greek, and Roman silver coins, English gold coins, seventeenth and eighteenth century copper tokens, [etc.] ... [06/11/1891]
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FUN 2003 Internet Bullet and Bullet Auction
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Catalogue of a valuable numismatic library, comprising the best editions of most of the important foreign and English books illustrative of numismatology ... [02/09/1855]
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