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[both] the property of a descendent of John Wilkes, former Lord Mayor of London, [etc.] ... [11/23/1911], a pinchbeck badge in the form of a scroll, with ornamental border, and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including a large silver badge in the form of a crescent, ... depicting a sacrifice on the altar of Liberty
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Bullet Auction and Held in conjunction with the 6th Annual Fall Suburban Washington/Baltimore Coin Show
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and the property of a member of the British Numismatic Society ... [10/25/1911] and Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including the property of the late Joseph Wheelwright, Esq., of Tunbridge Wells
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Held in conjunction with the 1996 Santa Clara Coin, Stamp and Sports Card Expo and Bullet Auction
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Bullet Auction and Held in conjunction with the 1997 ANA National Money Show
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Catalogue of the collection of coins, medals, tokens, and war medals, of the late J. Grant Morris, Esq., of Allerton Priory, Woolton, near Liverpool, & Grosvenor Place ... [04/22/1898]
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Catalogue of ... military and naval war medals, decorations, and orders of knighthood and the collection of C.A. Watters, Esq., Liverpool ... [06/09/1913]
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Catalogue of a very valuable collection of coins & medals, including [Scottish] war medals and decorations, the property of a collector and and a collection of medals of the 9th Norfolk Regiment, the property of E.M. Clowes, Esq., [etc.] ... [04/10/1913]
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Catalogue of the large and valuable collection of Greek, Roman, Saxon, English, and foreign coins, ... also a valuable series of English and foreign historical medals, ... war medals, decorations, and numismatic books, the property of the late S.S. Pearce, of Ramsgate ... [10/27/1898]
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Catalogue of a choice collection of English coins, the property of Lord Kesteven, comprising rare Anglo-Saxon and English coins, in silver, English gold coins, Anglo-Gallic gold coins, many selected from the celebrated Montagu collection, [etc.] ... [06/23/1899]
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