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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold and silver, [including] a Charles I, pattern for a halfcrown and gold medals, including The Medico-Psycological Association, Gaskell prize medal, ... [03/15/1972]
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[as well as] the Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, gold prize medal, ... [02/03/1988] and English and foreign coins, [as well as] various valuable medals by Paul Vincze, [such as] the Israel Occupation of Old Jerusalem, 1967
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Catalogue of ancient coins, in gold, silver, and bronze, [including especially] Greek, Roman, and Byzantine gold, [and] Roman Republican silver, also a small series of coins of the U.S.A. ... [10/22/1969]
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [including] a Charles II, five-guineas piece, 1681, [as well as] a collection of halfpennies and farthings, and ... [09/07/1983]
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[etc.] ... [10/26/1983], Catalogue of a collection of the coins of the Netherlands, in gold & silver, [including] a Holland, Province, 28-stuivers, 1694, struck in gold, very rare, and [and] a Kingdom of Holland, William I (1815-1840) 1-Gulden, 1840, new type (Sch. 308), very fine
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an early breast star of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, ... [11/25/1987], and Catalogue of orders, decorations & medals, [including] the important naval gold medal for Lissa, 13th March 1811, awarded to Captain Henry Whitby, H.M.S. Cerebus
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above Nike crowning a charioteer, ... [06/20/1984], rev. head of Arethusa left, four dolphins around, and Catalogue of ancient coins, in gold, silver and bronze, [including] Greek [such as] a Sicily, Syracuse tetradrachm, quadriga galloping left
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[as well as] English and foreign coins, [including] an unusual group of coins and medals, ... [11/18/1987] and Historical medals, [containing] the George III \Resolution and Adventure\ medal, 1772, in copper, struck by Matthew Boulton, rev. the two ships sailing
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Catalogue of a collection of English and Scottish coins, and a good series of 10th century issues, also a few commemorative medals and United States coins, ... formed by the late J.W. Spurway, of Leicester, ... [04/09/1984]
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The G.R. Arnold collection of silver coins of the [Roman] Severan Dynasty ... [11/21/1984]
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