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Catalogue of ancient, English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [including] Greek, Roman, and Byzantine, [as well as] a collection of coins from Anglo-Saxon Sussex mints, [the property of J.C. Allen], ... [12/07/1983]
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Catalogue of Part II of the important collection of Norman and Plantagenet coins, from the Conquest of William I in 1066, to the Reform of Edward III in 1351, formed by the late F[rancis] Elmore Jones, Esq. ... [04/10/1984]
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a Prime Ministers of Great Britain set of six gold medals, by Medallioners Ltd., ... [11/23/1983], and Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [including] a Queen Elizabeth II, 1980 proof set of four gold coins
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... [11/17-18/1971] and Catalogue of gold and silver coins of the world, including a highly important collection of the gold coins of Colombia, from the reign of Ferdinand VI of Spain to the Bolivar portrait coins of the Second Republic
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The uniform coinage of India, Part III, East India Company, 1835-1858, ... [10/17/1983], and Catalogue of the Pridmore collection of the coins of the British Commonwealth of Nations, [the property of the late Maj. Fred S. Pridmore]
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Catalogue of British orders, decorations & medals, [including] two gold medals of the Life Saving Benevolent Assn. of New York, obv. Ocean rescue scene, rev. Presented to T. Stott, ... [10/05/1983]
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Catalogue of English and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [including] an Australia, Adelaide pound, 1852, rev. value in crenulated circle and [and] a China, Empire, T'ung Chih (1862-1873), AV 25-taels, 1869, ... [07/11/1984]
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Catalogue of a collection of English, British colonial, and foreign coins, in gold, silver, & copper, [the property of K. Frost, including] a George III guinea, 1761, 1st head, by Yeo, very rare and ... [02/22/1984]
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Sale 84
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... [10/02/1969], Catalogue of English coins [and some] Scottish and foreign, in gold, silver and copper, [including] an Alexander the Great stater, head of Apollo, rev. charioteer galloping, and Henry IV, light coinage, London noble, trefoil and annulet on ship's side
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