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The third and final part of the Norweb Early American and U.S. coins completes one of the finest collections to ever be offered for public sale, a veritable museum of numismatic treasures is presented here begining with the most popular series of specialists, the large cents, half dollars are next and again many top condition rare die varieties are included beging with the 1794 issue clncluding with the 1891 half dollar. The second session starts off with commemorative coins follwed by an extrodinary set of 1792 pattern coins. another large quantity of colonial coins, siver Maryland pieces, and the largest offing (up to that time) of Wood's Hibernia pieces including unique copper nad silver patterns, Fugio coppers and the Norweb's library of scarce numimatic volumes. The final seesion includes silver dollars from an uncirculated 1794 through Gobrecht patterns, Liberty seated, Morgan and Peace dollars. Double Eagles conclude the Norweb sales this series is respite with many proofs and finest known examples. The Prices Realized is included.